About Me

"Eruliaf, You Made Me A Believer!"

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I'm a

Hey seeker! It's my pleasure to see you here!
Well, I'm Pallavi Singh, born & raised at Patna, Bihar. I'm currently pursuing my B.tech. in Computer Science & Engineering and expect to be graduated in 2022. Being a CSE engineer, I've been being a relish fan of Web development since starting. Besides this cpp is also the part of my career enhancement. From beginning of my coding journey, I've worked in web development & have a basic knowledge of Data structure and algorithms.

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>>>  print(Pallavi.homeland);

>>>  print(Pallavi.work);

>>>  print(Pallavi.favSubject);

>>>  print(Pallavi.strength);

>>>  print(Pallavi.weakness);

>>>  print(Pallavi.internship);

>>>  print(Pallavi.pastime);

My Skills

HTML5 95%
CSS 95%
Bootstrap 90%
JavaScript 85%
Node.js 80%
React.js 75%
MongoDB 85%
Express.js 85%
My Skills & Knowledge Towards Web Development

As I'm interested in web development so I've the knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & React.js framework as well. In the back-end development, I keep the knowledge in JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js . Besides this, I prefer MongoDB & mysql for database.